The Eucharistic Minister is the instrument through which the community shares in the gift of the Eucharist. Those who minister as Eucharistic Ministers give themselves in service of those who turn to the risen Lord for the nourishment that only He can give.
Prayerfully Consider the following:
A minister must have a sincere love and appreciation of the Eucharist as the real presence of the Body and Blood of our Lord, Jesus Christ.
A minister must have an ardent desire to serve the community of St. Clement Parish as a Eucharistic Minister, and be available to serve the community as needed.
A minister must be fully initiated in the Catholic Church, having received the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist and be at least 16 years of age.
Eucharistic Ministers are scheduled to serve the community at Liturgy about every two to three weeks, more often during the liturgical seasons of Christmas and Easter, and vacation times. The ministry involves about twenty minutes before Mass and ten minutes afterwards. All Eucharistic Ministers should be prepared to assist in an emergency during any Liturgy.
Eucharistic Ministers may expand their ministry beyond the Liturgy to include ministry to the hospital or homebound.
Eucharistic Ministers are fully trained in the procedure of St. Clement Parish before exercising their ministry. You will have two one-hour sessions with Carmen Verhoest. During the first session your duties and responsibilities will be explained. During the second session you will have a hands-on review of what you were previously taught.
Accommodations are made to meet your personal schedule. About one week before each two month schedule is prepared you will send Carmen Verhoest any special requests such as dates you will not be able to serve, or a particular date and Liturgy you wish to serve at. If your personal schedule changes after the master schedule is distributed, you must find a replacement. You will be provided with a list of the ministers and substitutes.
What Now?
If you feel called to serve the community of St. Clement as a Eucharistic Minister, or have any questions, call Carmen Verhoest 973-214-7373 or [email protected]